Rescue Diver
PADI Rescue Diver Course Information

This will cover the topics of self-rescue, Diver Stress, Diving first aid, Emergency Management and Equipment. There is a Rescue diver manual included in the price which you should read before attending the academic class. A video is included in the presentations. There is a final exam of 60 multiple choice questions. Pass mark 75%.

Pool training
Here you will learn many of the skills including bring an unconscious diver to the surface and dealing with a panic diver at the surface. There are two sessions at a Bristol pool on Friday evenings. Tuesday evening's available on request.

This includes 10 exercises some of which you have practised at the pool. These exercises are, Tired diver tow, Panic Diver, Response to a conscious victim from shore, Distressed Diver Underwater, Missing diver, Surfacing the Unconscious Diver, Unconscious diver at the surface, Egress (exit) with an unconscious diver, First aid for pressure injuries and response from shore to an unconscious victim.

Two scenarios are then carried out to allow students to put all the skills together and work together as an accident management team.

The scenarios are not a test but rather to find out how you the Rescue Diver will respond if faced with a real emergency.

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